Every Drop Matters

Posted by Barloworld Logisitics on 14 Mar 2017 2:00:00 PM

Barloworld Logistics

South Africa is a water scarce country and whilst residents are urged to adhere to restrictions, companies also have a role to play by managing water footprint.  A water footprint refers to the litres of freshwater used to produce and move a product through the supply chain. Without doubt, businesses ranging from manufacturers to IT companies and mining are either suffering from or at risk of water wastage in supply chains. From small but insidious water leaks to the overuse of water in manufacturing, some companies may be surprised to discover the extent of a product's water footprint.

Savvy companies are partnering with experts to identify water saving initiatives throughout the supply chain in order to be good corporate citizens and indeed positively impact profit margins. At Barloworld Logistics we believe that beyond the identification factor, businesses should also be exploring solutions that enable the responsible use of water, collecting and saving water as well as engaging in responsible water recycling throughout the supply chain in order to only send clean water back into the system.

An imperative condition to a smart supply chain partnership is a focus on sustainable business practices at every step along the chain. A focus on efficiency, bottom line and minimal environmental impact has the ability to transform sustainability from a buzzword to a vibrant, vital reality.

Logistics of life - water week

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Sources: http://www.thebrokeronline.eu/Blogs/Prioritising-Water/The-water-footprint-water-in-the-supply-chain